Rocky Coast Quilt Pattern (Download)

Rocky Coast Quilt Pattern (Download)

$16.00 USD

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Welcome Home Quilt Pattern (Download)

Welcome Home Quilt Pattern (Download)

$16.00 USD

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Relativity Quilt Pattern (Download)

Relativity Quilt Pattern (Download)

$16.00 USD

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New Years Kiss Quilt Pattern (Download)

New Years Kiss Quilt Pattern (Download)

$16.00 USD

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my very first quilt | finished April 2019

This was my very first quilt! When I realized I wanted to make a quilt I immediatly came across Suzy Quilts and was so excited to find a whole new side of quilting that I had no idea about! My grandma had just recently mailed me her early 1980s singer sewing machine and I was ready to go... or I thought.... I picked up some fabric I thought would go well together and started cutting - I didn't have a cutting mat or anything! I started running into all sorts of trouble with my machine, I was regurarly facetiming my grandma asking her for help... which was no easy task. I later found out, after I already finished this quilt that I was using the wrong bobbins the whole time. Which made me feel a lot better becuase I was heavily discouraged that sewing just may not be my thing.

new years kiss quilt | finished dec. 2019

This was the first pattern I ever designed. I was looking for something bold and geometric for my home and I started playing around with the little quilting blocks I knew at the time and I came up with this! I had no idea how fast it would spread... before I knew it I was writing a pattern, people were volunteering to test it and it was listed for sale in my new shop! Since then it has been featured in QuiltCon 2022, and the 2022 International Quilt Festival in Houston, TX.

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the name

So where did the name Toad & Sew come from? Well that’s not really a long story at all! We rescued an abandoned pup on the side of a back country road in Texas on our way to go pumpkin picking almost 6 years ago. We had every intention of getting him adopted, but there is a serious stray dog problem in Texas, so we knew he wouldn’t stand a chance being in a shelter. We quickly fell in love with him and named him Toad to fit his goofy personality. When I started quilting I just thought Toad & Sew would be a cool name, and it stuck! Meet Toad, the 100% good boi :)

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