TOAD-SPO - July Color Palette '23

TOAD-SPO - July Color Palette '23

Posted by Olivia Alaniz on

July Toad-Spo: Quilt Color Palette Inspiration

 My initial plan to release these Toad-spos at the start of the month, coinciding with the 4th of July, didn't go as intended. However, I'm still determined to showcase a unique approach to making a red, white, and blue quilt that avoids the common pitfalls of being overly flashy or cliché. Instead, I want to capture the essence of my cherished summer memories from the early 2000s: reminiscing about neighborhood BBQs, playing manhunt past dark with friends, sporting those classic Old Navy t-shirts, and sitting by the pool eating a popsicle.  Whether you are from the U.S. or not, I think this July quilt color palette embodies a sense of playfulness that plays well with many quilt patterns!

I chose this specific pattern, the Welcome Home Quilt, because of its firework-like effect. It just felt like the epitome of July and warm weather. I just want to grab this quilt and sit by a lake with a cooler full of freshly cut watermelon, cold beer, and sandwiches! 

Close up of Toad & Sew Welcome Home quilt pattern with July inspiration color palette highlighted in a breakout graphic.

Mood Collage

Collage of inspiration photos for July color palette. Bottom left showcases the finished version of the Welcome Home quilt.

Collage of a dog on a patriotic lounge chair, snack board & fabric from the Welcome Home quilt. Color wheel connects photos.
Graphic of July color palette Toad-Spo overlaid on Welcome Home quilt and photo of woman lounging aside a snack board.

The Quilt - Welcome Home

If this is your first time seeing the Welcome Home quilt, *welcome*! This modern quilt pattern is one that I wrote a few years ago. The name 'Welcome Home' stems from the fact that my fiance and I bought a house together around the time of writing this pattern. After two years of living in the Washington area, we decided to make our country-wide transition a little more permanent by buying our first home together here in the PNW.

The release of this quilt pattern was also around the same time as the pandemic was calming down a bit and families were starting to spend time with each other again. I took inspiration from the state of the country feeling a little more 'normal' through the recovery of the pandemic. During the holidays in the middle of the pandemic, most families were celebrating over video-chats and/or deprived of traditional gatherings. It felt nice to finally be able to see everyone in person during the holiday season this quilt was release and feel *welcomed home*.

Cuts of fabric in the shades used for the July quilt Toad-Spo. The stack of squares has a range of peach and blue colors.

Our July Toad-Spo Welcome Home quilt was made entirely of Art Gallery Fabrics print and solid fabrics! On the top, we went with Pure Solids in the colors Heart of the Ocean, Royal Cobalt, Aero Blue, Sweet Macadamia, Apricot Crepe, and Terracotta Tile. This color palette pairs vibrant blues with more muted reds and peaches. The muted warm tones help tone down the blues making it feel a little less "in your face red/white/blue."

The Welcome Home quilt pattern offers three-different design options in regards to the number of tones to choose from. For our Toad-Spo sample, we went with design option 3 or the bonus colorway. This colorway option allows you to choose two different color groups to be used for the stars in this quilt. In our quilt sample, we have a blue star and an orange star.

Beginnings of the Welcome Home quilt coming together with pieces of fabric laid out and labeled according to the pattern.
Aesthetically pleasing arrangement of Art Gallery fabrics used in the Welcome Home quilt pattern from Toad & Sew.
July color palette Art Gallery fabric strips laid out to demonstrate an organizational system based on the quilt pattern.

 One of the biggest pieces of advice I would give to new quilters is to make sure you have a system for keeping your fabric organized throughout the piecing process. Sometimes pattern designers will provide labels for you to use. USE THEM! And sometimes these labels aren’t for you, and you have a different method that works better for your brain. That’s okay too! But I strongly recommend using a system that will help prevent you from making mistakes and causing yourself frustration.

At the very least, I like to label my fabric pieces according to what color or fabric they are in the quilt pattern I’m following. You’ll see above that each stack of fabric has a handwritten label with which tone they match up with in the pattern and what the name of the fabric is. This helps me make sure that, at the very least, no color goes in the wrong spot in the quilt. Which I mean, at the end of the day, it doesn’t really matter if the quilt isn’t perfect. But when you are learning a new skill, it doesn’t hurt to establish good techniques in the beginning!

Flying geese style quilt blocks in colors of the July palette inspiration. Art gallery fabric pieces are pinned together.
Iron next to more flying geese blocks. This quilt-block style is a triangle in the middle of a rectangular piece of fabric.

The Welcome Home quilt is made up of a little strip piecing, a little flying geese making, and a little block building. Flying geese blocks are little rectangle-shaped blocks with a triangle in the middle. These traditional blocks can be made a couple different ways. My favorite is using the no-waste 4-at-a-time method! My good friend, Fran of Cotton and Joy, actually has a blog post that goes in-depth about this! You should definitely check it out. The process is a little funny - you end up with some pretty funny-looking shapes while sewing. But as long as you follow and trust the process, you’ll end up with perfect, crisp blocks!

Pile of quilt blocks for the Welcome Home pattern by Toad & Sew showcasing the colors from the July Toad-Spo.
Quilt square with center of the starburst-style patterns on the Toad & Sew Welcome Home quilt. Only blue colors being used.
Welcome Home quilt without its backing draped over a tree. A use of traditional and modern styles together.

The flying geese are used for the points of the center sawtooth star blocks. I really love to incorporate traditional elements in my modern quilt pattern designs from time to time. The Welcome Home quilt is no exception to that!

Longarm Quilting

Our fabulous longarm quilter for July is of course Ashley Perkins of Hen House Quilting! We are big fans of Ashley around here - not only because she’s a FANTASTIC quilter but also because is a pretty cool chick too! ;) If you are in need of a longarm quilter, we definitely recommend checking out Ashley for your quilting needs!

Longarm sewing machine being used to bind the Welcome Home quilt. Starburst pattern and starry pantograph are pictured.

We knew that we wanted to go with a starry pantograph for this quilt! We had to incorporate the fireworks and stars common of July into the pantograph in some way. We went through a few options with the main focus being something that wasn’t too busy. We didn’t want to compete with the quilt design, so we ended up going with the Simple Snowflake 2 panto designed by Karen Thompson. It’s kind of funny that the panto wasn’t designed for fireworks at all, but it fit perfect for us!

Close-up of the starry pantograph overlaid on the starburst patterns in the July color palette for Welcome Home quilt.

Backing and Binding

The backing fabric for the July Welcome Home sample is this adorable Patchwork Revival print from Art Gallery Fabrics. I actually intended to use this fabric for a different quilt sample, but when I saw it in person, I knew it HAD TO go with this quilt! I love that from far away, it looks a little like a plaid print. This plaid, “red, white and blue,” and firework themed quilt would be perfect for a summer picnic! 

The binding is the Pure Solids Heart of the Ocean fabric that we used in the quilt top.

Underside corner of Welcome Home quilt folded over. The quilt backing is the Patchwork Revival print by Art Gallery Fabrics.
Light blue toenail polish being worn by someone standing barefoot on the Welcome Home quilt matches the July color palette.

We absolutely love how this turned out! Aubrey and Ashley did an exceptional job making this Welcome Home quilt come to life. If you’d like to make this quilt, you can now grab the quilt pattern on sale through the weekend! Use the code WHJULY20 at checkout for 20% off theWelcome Home quilt pattern.

Coupon code for a Toad & Sew quilt pattern for a 20% discount on the Welcome Home pattern. The code is ‘WHJULY20’.
Welcome Home quilt recipe card with measurements of each fabric needed. Send the card to a shop for a July quilt kit.

Maker Spotlight - Aubrey

Toad & Sew maker Aubrey smiling in a pink sweater in front of a wooden fence. Follow Aubrey on Instagram at @popandpeaches.

 Our featured maker this month is Aubrey! She is from the Kansas City area and has been quilting since she was just 11 years old! With her mom being a quilter, she was able to learn by her side and sew with some of her scraps. She has a hard time picking a favorite fabric line because she loves them all! She thinks it’s akin to picking a favorite child, which seems totally true. BUT her favorite color is yellow, so you’ll see a lot of yellow used in her quilts.

Aubrey finds creative inspiration everywhere! She loves scrolling through Pinterest and Instagram and looking at everyone’s beautiful makes. She really enjoys finding a pattern she loves and then scouring for fabric that she thinks will complement it well! Or vice versa. She does all of this to work towards her goal of never growing tired of quilting. As long as she continues to make things she’s excited about or feeling creative with, the hobby stays alive! And of course, it helps that she’s able to spend time with her mother over FaceTime while they sew together.

Fun Facts:

  • She has 3 sewing sidekicks: Elliot (husky/lab), Cooper (long-haired, red dapple, dachshund) and Sadie (cream, long-haired mini dachshund).
  • Her superpower she’d love to have is to not worry - GIRL SAME!
  • She’s slightly addicted to Diet Coke.
  • She’d love to go back and see ABBA live in concert!

You all should go check out Aubrey on Instagram and give her a follow! You’ll find some really pretty pictures of her works in progress over there.

See the July quilt color palette in action:

Sky Cabin Quilt

Sky Cabin recipe card by Toad & Sew. Grab all the fabrics you need in the July quilt color palette with this handy card.

Grove Quilt

Toad & Sew recipe card for the Grove quilt. Send this card to a shop to receive a fabric kit and make the quilt yourself.

Garden Glow Quilt

Make the Garden Glow quilt from Toad & Sew in the July quilt color palette. Use the card to order the necessary fabrics.

Booths Corner Quilt

Use this Toad & Sew recipe card for the Booths Corner pattern to create this quilt with the July color palette.

Open Road Quilt

Create the Open Road quilt by Toad & Sew with the July color palette. Send the recipe card to a shop for your custom kit.

Want to save this palette?

If you're loving what you're seeing and want to save this color palette for future use - don't forget to pin it by clicking the image below.

Collage of photos of the completed Welcome Home quilt made with the July quilt color palette from Toad & Sew.
The Welcome Home quilt held up by a body of water at sunset. Create the Toad & Sew pattern with the July quilt color palette.
July quilt color palette Modern quilt patterns Toad-Spo for July 2023

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